Sunday, October 26, 2014

American 1 issue voters exposed! ...but Progressive voices squashed

Next, we’d like to call out Mr/MS 1 issue voter who somehow made the leap from a woman having free choice over HER OWN BODY to Liberals killing millions of babies. There’s danger in being a 1 issue voter. You get blinded by your cause to everything else going on. Conservative Christians call themselves pro-life but THAT isn’t really true is it. How many lives were wasted under Republican rule?

8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush Sr, a Republican controlled Congress from 1994 to 2006, 8 years of Bush/Cheney,  and just when I thought the GOP couldn’t get any worst,  6 excruciating years of Tea Party. What did Republicans do for you, Mr/MS 1 issue voter? diddly squat! lol The GOP will never do anything about abortion because they couldn’t win an election without that issue to fool voters.

WATCH any Candidate that uses abortion issue &/or Morality as main draw, believe us... they have MANY EVIL PLANS behind the scenes!

Now here’s Mr/MS 1 issue voter, who’s been convinced by GOP funded Pastors, that GOD is his/her close friend and JESUS their personal Savior because you vote for Republicans. BUT, let’s see what you’ve really been supporting while wrapped up blaming Liberals for everything under the sun.  I didn’t see anything about abortion in the Bible but I did read something about “Blessed are Peacemakers” Republicans have been an epic fail in that department. I just can’t see GOD and war profiteers being on the same side.

Also read about the “Least of my brothers and sisters” Another fail for Republicans because of historical level of income inequality caused by GOP economic policies.

The GOP has fooled Mr/MS 1 issue voter into praying to end affordable health care for all because the devils conveniently forgot JESUS was a HEALER! COME ON? WTF is wrong with you degenerates?

Wow Republican sure are full of the 7 deadly sins, right? And as we all know "if you support evil THEN YOU’RE EVIL TOO". And like the old reggae spiritual goes “...thought yo’re going to heaven but you headed straight to hell". 

©2014 by FGE  & Mary Goode

See also:

NOTE: radio am1520 used to be Progressive talk radio for ALL of Western New York. Entercom Buffalo struck a disturbing deal with ESPN to bring its 2nd sports radio network to Buffalo/Niagara Falls region WWKB-AM (1520) They also run an extreme Conservative talk radio station WBEN so-called news radio 930. Breitbart and Washington Times conservative rags lied to report "Liberal talk radio goes bust". In reality Progressive talk was making money all over USA while Conservative talk has been propped up by the $ hoarders. It's simply about squashing Progressive voices to promote GOP agenda. They threw us a bone with a few hours on the weekend with "Native Talk" and...
Frank from Albuquerque call to "Think Again" w/ L Nathan Hare on ESPN am1520 Buffalo, NY  
"I want to thank you, call screener and your organization for this show. Where else can one find radio in WNY that allows opinions from both ends of the political spectrum.  Last week there was a few calls that I wanted to comment on. 

First the caller who asked what has Conservatism done for Americans was genius. Conservative live in a bubble where they can escape the shame of their poor voting choices. I've tried for 2 WEEKS to get a call in to national & local conservative talk radio with no luck. NO ALTERNATIVE VIEWPOINTS ALLOWED!
*SEE: REPRINT of a 2003 Strategic Activist Classic

In the real world, RESULTS are all that matters and the results of Republican rule are devastating.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

SAD state of the 4th Estate

"Land of the FREE Home of the BRAVE", my skinny Italian-American ASS! With the most inmates on the planet AND a news media full of silver spoon COWARDS. I can't take all the LIES and obstructionism any more. Low grade thought processes rule our time, so sacrifices must be made if Americans want to keep FREEDOM from becoming a delicate concept. Y'know, what they call "ETERNAL VIGILANCE" ?

Who do you Corporate News mofos think you're bullshitting here, those dumbasses in the fuck'n Tea Party or Limbaugh's ditto-heads? News has become PREDICTABLE! Oh, you dolts wasted my precious time reporting Senator Ted Cruz disagrees with President Obama? Holy shit, GOP can't take president'n while Black, can they? News SHOULDN'T BE PREDICTABLE you degenerate corporate Ho's. I said it once and I'll say it again, 
"responsible journalism is dead as the sperm on Monica Lewinsky's blue dress" (lol) 

For anyone still watching corporate newscasts, just understand. Most news people on TV including on PBS are still dancing for those incompetent money hoarders in the Republican Corporate Ho Party. The GOP couldn't get a dog catcher elected if news reporters were actually doing their job of keeping the PUBLIC informed instead of propping up a bunch of old white out-of-touch assholes like Sen. Mitch McConnell.

Remember the following video. I don't know how "Meet the Puppet" David Gregory ever got the hosting job after this pitiful display... except that none of the other news anchors are any better.

SAD state of the 4th Estate


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Government $ Sponges

Couldn't find better description than this:

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

VOTE 2014 - Some sanity, NOT Hannity please!

"If you want to live like a Republican, vote Democratic!"
President Harry S. Truman
Yeaaa! "I want to thank my good & righteous friend Val Sandy A. for introducing me to Nikki Giovanni. 2014 is dawn of the WOMEN TAKEOVER! I love you all...(lol) NOW LETS GET TO WORK!"
Frank from Albuquerque

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