" Land of the FREE Home of the BRAVE ", my skinny Italian-American ASS! With the most inmates on the planet AND a news media ful...
authors note
To those who've "plagiarized" my hard work & creativity without giving me props... Someone will be coming for an explanation! YOU know who you are *****'s...
Also, I want to send out a big FUCK YOU to all you holier-than-thou, know-it-all’s who keep commenting on my lack of index or sources to prove what I write is fact. Read on mothafuckers, everything has it’s back-up research.
What’s funny is most of these assholes watch FOX News and listen to the AM radio Limbaughs. This gaggle of idiots spent the last 25 years taking the propagandists at their word. These conservative spokes holes are nothing but paid for ho’s who spread lies, hate speech, racism, disinformation and you morons have the nerve to question my ability as a writer? Like I said FUCK YOU!
Now THE comments are a different story. The good people of Conscious Man Consultants are swamped with work and can’t fact check everything that is communicated to us. But the reader must admit, we do choose the most entertaining comments, right ya bunch of constipatedstiff's? (HA!) SPQR