Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trump Impeachment

Just look at all the 'whiny little bitch' Republicans crying about Trump impeachment. 
It was the sick GOP that led us down this path of ‘got ya’ dirty politics.

They tried to impeach Bill Clinton for his private sex life 
(even though he was an Arkansas ‘horny toad’ …lmao)
Bush/Cheney lying us into Iraq War and wasting $TRILLIONS to turn Iraq / Syria into an Islamic State was fine with Republicans.

Republicans started to go after President Obama on his Inauguration Day.
(y’know, the 15 Republicans gathered at the Caucus Room in Washington DC, plotting a one term presidency)

Republicans went for Hillary Clintons throat with how the fuck many investigations into Benghazi ?
Trump/Pence Adm. leaving soldier behind after the Niger Ambush ohhh 
GOP - 'nothing to see here'.

RIGHT? you filthy lying un-American Republicans sobs. The SPQR crew is dedicated to see all you lying Republican sobs in  a private prison getting punked in the shower

More on this later

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